Cambodian Opposition Leader Declares Political ‘Stalemate’

Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy said his country has reached a political “stalemate” and is calling for a halt in international aid to the Phnom Penh government. Rainsy spoke to VOA during a visit to Washington, where he is trying to convince U.S. officials and others to put more pressure on Prime Minister Hun Sen to allow an independent probe into a contested July vote. Although official results show Rainsy’s Cambodia National Rescue Party made substantial gains in the election, opposition lawmakers have refused to take their seats and claimed the long-time ruling party committed voter fraud. … The 64-year-old, who was barred from running in the election, claims his party will not back down on its parliamentary boycott. He also said that several rounds of talks between himself and Prime Minister Hun Sen have gone nowhere. … “The constitution states that Cambodia should follow a democratic system based on pluralism, but actually Cambodia has returned to a one-party system. So this is a clear violation of the constitution that makes the current Cambodia [government] illegal, or at least illegitimate,” Rainsy continued. Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has ruled the country since 1985, has said the vote was fair and argues that the results were upheld by Cambodia’s National Election Commission and Constitutional Court.

VOA Khmer News Staff